Connect your Hitron CODA-4680 as described in the Quick Start Guide that came with your modem.You must successfully complete the Eas圜onnect Setup before you can use your internet connection- if Eas圜onnect finds that the connection to the internet is not working, you will be unable to set a Wi-Fi network name and password. The password you set in Eas圜onnect also serves as the password you will use when logging into the modem to access its configuration. Eas圜onnect tests the internet connection to ensure that it is working, and will prompt you to set a Wi-Fi network name and password that you would like to use. When you first connect the Hitron CODA-4680, you'll be prompted to complete the Hitron Eas圜onnect Quick Setup. NCF does not have access to firmware that it can provide to members.
After the testing and approval process of a new version of firmware for a cable device, cable network operators may then automatically upgrade all cable modems connected on their network with the latest certified firmware. Operators run all cable devices and firmware versions through their own testing process, after which the device and firmware are certified for use on the cable network. The Hitron CODA-4680 available from NCF has been certified by the following cable network vendors for operation on their infrastructure:Ĭurrent certified firmware version: (on the Rogers cable network)Ĭable network operators control what cable modems and firmware versions can be used on their networks.